Friday, October 17, 2008

one long week

Well, two weeks have already gone by...... it feels like ive been here much longer though.... lots of learning and long days just sitting in one class room.... Today was our first aid/ CPR training class.... and just so everyone knows.... i am know certified to save your life lol..... Um what else.... theres soo much that goes on here its really hard to remember it all..... yesterday was unit building time and healthy lifestyles class.... that was a pretty good class.... they pretty much teach you how to deal with stress in a disaster relief project.... which is what our first "spike" is..... so thats a good thing to know.... oh yea yesterday was also baselines which sucked soo bad.... lots of running and push up and sit ups.... not fun, tomorrow is our service project where we get to build a running trial.... so that should be fun... and sunday i will be goin back to the Denver Indian Center to help out some more with sorting through boxes and painting.... on wensday my team Sun 2 went to there to clean out the stage area... they were using the stage for storage and wanted to get use of the stage so we cleared over 3000 boxes 2000 of which were boxes of hand cream that was donated to them back in 2005.... so we got to take some and the rest was i guess getting thrown away.... so im goin back on sunday to do some ISP hours cuz i need 80 hrs to complete.... so yea theres not really much else to say so im goin for now i have an early 5am start so good night to everyone.....

"getting things done"


Jim said...

Sure sounds like they are keeping you busy. I'm tired just reading about all you are doing!

How does it feel to get up at 5:00 ?? lol

mom said...

Wow!!! They're keeping you very busy. That's great. Welcome to the adult world. No time to relax. Just keep pushing yourself. The benefits will be grand.
All my love!!!